Today I'm thrilled to introduce you to my friend and fellow book lover, Carrie Schmidt. Carrie is a blogger extraordinaire over at "Reading is My Superpower." Because she was the first one to ever interview me as an author, I wanted her to be my very first guest here. I even patterned my format after hers, so here are my fast five:
1. Coffee or tea?
C: Neither! I’m more of a hot chocolate kind of gal 😊
B: I love hot chocolate, but it doesn't have enough caffeine for my morning.
2. Morning person or night owl?
C: Definitely night owl. I read past my bedtime every night!
B: Given your To Be Read (TBR) pile, I can understand that.
3. Cashews or mixed nuts?
C: Cashews. And I love this question. LOL.
B: I'm a cashews gal myself, although some people might think I'm more of a mixed nut.
4. Planner or go-with-the-flow?
C: My heart says ‘planner’ but my reality is ‘go-with-the-flow’ LOL.
B: I feel ya, girlfriend!
5. Curling iron or flat iron?
C: I would just be happy to be coordinated enough to use either one without looking like I just got a bad perm. Haha!
B: While I'd be happy if my hair would hold any kind of curl.
And now for the more serious questions...
1. How did you get into blogging?
I sort of stumbled into blogging. I had responded to a call for influencers for Varina Denman’s debut novel ‘Jaded’ and then realized I had nowhere to influence from there. Hence a blog was born.
And a great one at that. I visit often to get recommendations of new books. My only problem is my TBR pile is now as big as yours!
2. What elements must a story have for you to give it a five-star review?
It has to hit me in the feels – and this can take different forms. I need to laugh or cry or gasp out loud – or all of the above. If I’m so caught up in the story that I forget I don’t actually know these characters as real people…and I don’t have to stumble over awkward sentences or slow scenes …then it’s a 5-star for sure!
What a great summary of the important elements of story crafting. I might make a "Hit me in the feels" sign for my office!
3. What makes you snap a book shut and never go back to it?
Besides the ‘obvious’ (which really aren’t any more) like smutty scenes or filthy language - very little, actually. I try to give every book a chance, even if it doesn’t grab me at first. I really, really don’t like stopping my story for a sermon. I love spiritual truth in novels but I need it to be integrated naturally in the story. If I want a sermon, I will read nonfiction 😊
4. Where has this blogging journey taken you that you never expected?
Oh my goodness – how much time do you have?? Becoming friends with so many authors whose books are on my shelves (I still need to meet you in person, dear Becca!). I’ve helped start the Christian Fiction Readers Retreat which brings authors and readers together for a day to honor God through our love for books. AND this year I got to speak with CYNTHIA RUCHTI at the Art of Writing Conference in Nashville and then attend the Christy Awards. Somebody pinch me please!!! I’m so deeply grateful for these blessings that are completely beyond my wildest imaginations. This is such a blast and I’m honored to be part of it!
I hated missing the Christian Fiction Readers Retreat this year. I so wanted to be a part of it--mostly so you and I could meet face-to-face.
And now for my final question. Around here, we're all about LOVE and HISTORY. So...if you could go back in your own HISTORY and give yourself one piece of advice about LOVE, what would it be?
Carrie's answer will be published in my Subscriber Newsletter on Monday, December 4. If you aren't already a subscriber, please go to my HOME page or CONTACT ME page and sign up.
Thanks, Carrie, for taking the time to be my first guest. It was such a thrill to be interviewed on your blog, and I'm so grateful for the friendship that's grown between us--even if it is just in cyberspace for the moment. Kindred spirits are kindred spirits no matter where we find them.